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German Translations
(Not all shiurim have been translated yet.)
Sefer Breishit
Breishit - The Two Stories of Creation
Noach - Sifrei Toladot: The Backbone of Sefer Breishit
Lech L'cha - God's Choice of and Covenant with Avraham Avinu
Vayera - Avraham and Sdom
Chayei Sarah - From Avraham to Yitzchak to Yaakov: Which Son is Chosen?
Toldot - Yitzchak's Blessing of Yaakov and Esav
Vayetze - Yaakov's Dream, Am Yisrael's Future
Vayishlach - Yaakov's Name Change to Yisrael
Vayishlach - What is Yaakov Doing in Shechem?
Vayeshev - Who Really Sold Yosef?
Miketz - Yosef and his Brothers
Vayigash - From Breishit to Shmot
Vaychi - Bracha, Bechira, or Bechora?
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Sefer Shmot
Introduction to Sefer Shmot
Shmot - Let My People Go: A Hoax or a Mission?
Va'eyra - Preparing for Redemption
Va'eyra - Brit Bein Ha'Btarim or Brit Milah?
Bo - Korban Pesach and Yom Hashem
Bo - Pesach and Chag Ha'Matzot
B'shalach - 'Basic Training' in the Desert
Yitro - The Four Stages of Ma'amad Har Sinai
Mishpatim - The Laws of Parshat Mishpatim: An Educational Progression
Terumah - The Mishkan: Before or After Chet Ha'Egel?
Tezaveh - The Special Structure of Parshiot HaMishkan
Ki-Tisa - Chet Ha'Egel and the 13 Midot of Rachamim
Vayakhel/Pekudei - From Shmot to Vayikra and Bamidbar
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Sefer Vayikra
Introduction to Sefer Vayikra
Vayikra - The Korban Yachid: N'dava and Chova
Tzav - The Korban Guidebook for the Kohanim
Shmini - The Mishkan's Two-Part Dedication Ceremony
Tazria - The Biblical Significance of the Number Eight
Tazria/Metzora - The Internal Structure of the Laws of Tumah and Tahara
Acharei Mot/Kedoshim - The Second Half of Sefer Vayikra
Kedoshim - The Repetition of the Laws of 'Arayot'
Kedoshim - The Significance of "Adat B'nei Yisrael"
Emor - The Double Nature of the Chagim in Emor
Behar - The Chiastic Structure of Vayikra-Shmot
Bechukotai - Parshat Erchin and the Conclusion of Sefer Vayikra
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Sefer Bamidbar
Introduction to Sefer Bamidbar
Bamidbar - Four 'Bchorim': The Order of the Shvatim
Naso - Sota and Nazir: Why are They 'Out of Place?'
Bha'alotcha - The Mitavim, Part II: The Special Task of Shevet Kehuna
Shelach - 'Mraglim' or Fact Finding Mission?
Korach - Biblical 'Coalition Politics'
Chukat - Para Aduma: What's a Chok?
Chukat - Did Moshe Really Sin?
Balak - Bilam: The Prophet and the Consultant
Pinchas - Understanding a Strange Progression of Parshiot
Matot/Masei - The Biblical Borders of the Land of Israel
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Sefer Devarim
Devarim - Is Sefer Devarim Really a Review of Chumash?
Ve'etchanan - The First Parshiot of Kriyat Shma
Ekev - The Biblical Significance of 'Matar'
Re'ay - HaMakom Asher Yivchar Hashem
Shoftim - Long Live the King...
Ki-Teyze - The Dibrot and the Mitzvot of the Main Speech
Ki-Tavo - The Finale of the Main Speech
Nitzavim - Back to Har Sinai and Gan Eden
Vayelech - Mitzvat Hakhel and Har Sinai
Ha'azinu - The Five 'Shirot' in Tanach
V'zot HaBracha - The Order of Moshe's Blessings
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