[Par-reg] Shvii shel Pesach - questions for self study

Menachem Leibtag tsc at bezeqint.net
Tue Apr 26 16:16:53 EDT 2005

     THE TANACH STUDY CENTER [http://www.tanach.org]
          In Memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag
     Shiurim in Chumash & Navi by Menachem Leibtag

  for SHVII SHEL PESACH -  Questions  for self study
1.  Even though the last day of 'Passover' is often referred
to as "shvii shel Pesach", in Chumash - that name never
appears.   Before you prepare the following questions (that
will point you to every instance when this holiday is
described in the Torah), attempt to answer the following:
  To the best of your recollection, why is [what we call]
Passover a SEVEN day holiday?  Does Chumash itself give a
reason why the holiday last seven days, and why on the final
day all work is forbidden?
     If so, where, and what is that reason?
     If not, can you explain why no reason is given?
     Are there any other holidays mentioned in Chumash that
last for seven days?  If so, does Chumash explain why those
holidays last for specifically seven days?
  To the best of your recollection, where is the FIRST mention
of the seven days of 'Passover' in Chumash?
     Was it before or after Bnei Yisrael leave Egypt?
     Was it before or after Bnei Yisrael crossed the Red Sea?

2.  Next, quickly review Shmot 12:1-20, paying careful
attention to 12:14-20, noting how this section describes the
instructions that God had given Moshe.
  Then, quickly review from 12:21-13:10, paying careful
attention to 13:3-8, and noting how that it is only after they
leave Egypt that Bnei Yisrael hear this mitzvah to eat matza
for seven days (and celebrate the seventh day as a holiday).
     According to these sources, what seems to be the primary
mitzvah (or mitzvot) that must be kept for these seven days?
Be sure that you can explain Shmot 12:17 (noting its tense)!
     In these sources, does Chumash provide a reason for why
we must keep these mitzvot relating to matza & chametz?  Does
it include an explanation why these mitzvot must be kept for
seven days?

3. Review Shmot 23:14-17, and in its context (beginning from
Shmot 23:10 thru 23:19).
     Is this the same chag ha'matzot as mentioned in chapter
     [What does "ka'asher tziviticha" in 23:15 refer to?]
     If so, can you explain why this law is repeated here in
Parshat Mishpatim? [Is there a new context?]
     In your answer, relate this to the topic of "knisah
la'aretz" - that begins in 23:20 and the original plan that
Bnei Yisrael were about to enter the land immediately after
they received God's mitzvot at Har Sinai.

4. Next, review Shmot 34:18-26, and its context within chapter
34.  In what manner is this similar to 23:14-19, and in what
manner are these laws different?
     Can you explain why (based on chet ha'egel)?
     [Relate to the addition of "kedushat bchor" in 34:19.
     Relate this as well to Shmot 13:1-14!]

5. Review Vayikra chapter 23 (Parshat Emor), especially the
laws of chag ha'matzot in 23:4-8, and the laws of the Omer in
     Are these the same laws that were already mentioned in
Sefer Shmot?  If so, can you explain why they are repeated?
     Are there any 'new' laws in Vayikra chapter 23 concerning
Pesach and chag ha'matzot that were not mentioned in Sefer
Shmot.  If so, what are they?  Can you explain why they are
recorded specifically at this point in Sefer Vayikra?  In your
answer, relate to the topic of chapter 23, and its context
within Sefer Vayikra.

6. Next, review Bamidbar 28:15-25, i.e. laws of Pesach in
Parshat Pinchas.  [What we read for the last aliyah every day
of Pesach.]
     As above, what laws are added, and what laws are repeated
in this section?
     Relate this to the context of Bamidbar chapters 28->29!

7. Finally, see Devarim 16:1-8, regarding the laws of Pesach.
     Once again, what laws are added, and what laws are the
same as were found in Shmot, Vayikra, and Bamidbar?
     Relate your answer to primary topic of Devarim chapter
16, i.e. "aliyah la'reglel la'Makom asher Yivchar Hashem".
     Note how this "parshia" puts an emphasis on the need to
offer the korban Pesach ONLY in the "makom asher yivchar
Hashem"?  [Relate this as well to the primary topic of Devarim
chapter 12.]
     Can you explain why it would be logical to think
otherwise, based on Shmot 12:1-14 and 13:3-8!  Relate to how
the "korban Pesach" is different than all other "korbanot" (in
relation to how and why it was first offered, and the
punishment warned for those who do not offer it!

8. Note Devarim 16:8. Can you recall any other pasuk (or
psukim) in Chumash that sound similar?  If so, can you explain
the nature of this parallel?
  [If you give up, try Vayikra 23:1-3 and Shmot 35:1-4!]
  Attempt to explain how this parallel may relate to WHY chag
  ha'matzot is celebrated for SEVEN days?

     Would this have anything to do with the agricultural time
of the year of Pesach? [Note again Shmot 13:3-5 and Devarim
     Why would this time of year also relate to the SEVEN days
of Creation?  [Relate this to the fact that God 'created'
'nature' and how man himself usually relates to nature?!]

9. Review once again Devarim chapter 16, this time noting how
often the number SEVEN is found in this presentation of the
"shalosh regalim".
     Note also the dates of the "shalosh regalim" - are they
lunar days or 'solar' dates (i.e. are the dates based on the
agricultural seasons)?
     Note also the agricultural mitzvot related to the chagim
in Vayikra chapter 23.  In what manner to they relate to
     Can you explain why?
     Is there a holiday in Chumash that doesn't relate in some
manner or other to the number SEVEN?

10.  Where else in Chumash (beginning with the SEVEN days of
Creation in Sefer Breishit until Sefer Devarim), do we find
that the number SEVEN significant?
     Do you think that this is simply coincidental, or is it
significant?  If so, can you explain why?   [What vessel(s) in
the Mishkan relate to the number SEVEN? Can you explain why?]

11. Finally, review Shmot 23:10-19, noting especially the
transition from 23:13 to 23:14, and the relationship of this
entire parshia to 23:20-24!
     What would be the connection between "shem elohim acharim
lo tazkiru" in 23:13 and the mitzva of "shalosh regalim tachog
li" in 23:14?
     How would this relate to the spiritual dangers of "knisa
la'aretz" [entering the land] as described in Shmot 23:20-32?!

12. Based on all of the above, what would you say is the
PRIMARY purpose of the "shalosh regalim"?
     Can this mitzvah be fulfilled (at least partially) today,
even without a Bet ha'Mikdash?  If so, explain how!!
  [See for example Mesechet Succah 27b (middle) re: mitzvah
  l'kabel pnei rabo b'moed..."]

13.  In the Midrash, we find an alternate explanation for
seven days of chag ha'matzot based on the calculation that the
miracle of "kriyat yam suf"  took place on the seventh day
after Yetziat Mitzraim. Does this reason contradict any of
your conclusions above, or does it complement them?
     In general, can one find both historical reason as well
as an agricultural purpose in each of the "shalosh regalim"?
If so, bring examples.

                         & chag samayach

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