Honor Thy Father...
Even more troubling is the fact that Yaakov doesn't immediately go home to Hebron, at least to say hello to his parents whom he hasn't seen in over twenty years! To prove that this was indeed Yaakov's original intention, we need only quote the Torah's description of his departure from Padan Aram:

"Yaakov got up and took his children and wives on the camels. Then he led his sheep ... and everything he acquired in Padan Aram to go to Yitzchak his father to the land of Canaan." (31:17-18)
Instead, Yaakov settles down in Shechem. In fact, we learn of Yaakov's return to his father's house only in the final pasuk before Yitzchak's death (parshia F - see 35:27-29)! (See Board #4.) For some reason, we never hear the details (or the date) of this reunion.

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