For Further Iyun
A. Note the emphasis and repetition of the word "ha'Makom" in this Parsha - 28:11,16,17,19. Note the use of the term also in Parshat Lech Lcha, 13:14, at the Akeyda 22:4, and in Sefer Dvarim 12:5,11,14,18.

B. Read Rashi on Breishit 2:7, and note the two explanations he cites from the Midrash on that pasuk - "vayitzer Hashem Elokim et ha'adam afar min hadama":

How do these two opinions relate to our analysis in this week's shiur?

C. See if you can connect the last section of this shiur to two other well-known Midrashim:

D. Several related questions to think about which relate to next week's Parsha, as well:

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