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Questions for Preparation and Self Study - text format
Questions for Preparation in Word format
Shiur #1: Introduction to Sefer Vayikra
Shiur #2: The Korban Yachid: N'dava and Chova
Introduction to Sefer Vayikra
Is Sefer Vayikra boring? Unfortunately, most students would answer Yes! Most teachers attempting to teach Sefer Vayikra are 'saved' by Parshat Kedoshim.
In the following shiurim, we will demonstrate that learning Sefer Vayikra can actually be quite exciting. As usual, our approach will entail examining the Sefer's structure in order to find its deeper meaning.
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The Korban Yachid: N'dava and Chova
The popular translation of "korban" as "sacrifice" may be misleading. "Sacrifice" implies giving up something for nothing in return. In truth, however, the "shoresh" (root) of the word 'korban' is k.r.v., "karov" - to come close. Not only is the animal brought 'closer' to the mizbayach, but the korban ultimately serves to bring the individual closer to God. The animal itself comprises merely the vehicle through which this process is facilitated.
Therefore, korbanot involve more than dry, technical rituals; they promote the primary purpose of the Mishkan - the enhancement of man's relationship with God.
In this week's shiur we attempt to better understand how korbanot help us achieve this purpose, by analyzing the internal structure of Parsha Vayikra and its location at the beginning of the sefer.
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Hebrew Translation
Portugese Translation
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