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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Questions for Preparation - in Word format
Shiur #1: Bracha, Bechira, or Bechora?
Abstract of above shiur [HTML][Text] [Word]
Shiur #2: Haftarat Parshat Vaychi - I Melachim 2:1-12
Bracha, Bechira, or Bechora?
Haftarat Parshat Vaychi - Melachim I 18:1-39
In this week's Haftara, there appears to be something quite
disturbing about David hamelech's final charge to his son Shlomo -
his suggestion that Shlomo 'do away' with his political
If these rivals were so evil, why didn't David himself punish
them? If they weren't so evil, why is it so important for Shlomo
to get rid of them?
To answer this question, we must consider the difference
between how David and Shlomo rise to power.
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