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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Shiur #1: The Special Structure of Parshiot HaMishkan
Shiur #2: Haftarat Parshat Tezaveh - Yechezkel 43:10-27
Shiur #3: The Mishkan: Before or After Chet Ha'Egel?
Abstract of above shiur
Shiur #4: Sefer Shmot - Introduction
The Special Structure of Parshiot HaMishkan
Haftarat Parshat Tezaveh - Yechezkel 43:10-27
The last nine chapters of Sefer Yechezkel (40-48),
describing the minute details of the construction of the second
Bet HaMikdash, stand in contrast to the opening 24 chapters of
the Sefer, which describe the Shchina's leaving Yerushalayim, as
well as the reason for the destruction of the first Bet
In this shiur, we try to understand why these details of construction are important, and how they too
allude to the reason for the destruction of the Mikdash.
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The Mishkan: Before or After Chet Ha'Egel?
Had it not been for Chet Ha'Egel, would Bnei Yisrael have needed a Mishkan?
Many claim that the answer to this 'philosophical' question lies in the famous 'exegetical' controversy between Rashi and Ramban concerning when God commanded Bnei Yisrael to build the Mishkan, before or after the sin of the golden calf.
In this week's shiur, as we study this controversy and its ramifications, we will show how the answer to this question is not so simple. While doing so, we will also try to make some sense out of the thorny issue of "ein mukdam u'meuchar ba'Torah" (chronological order in Chumash).
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Sefer Shmot - Introduction
What is Sefer Shmot?
Before we talk about what "shmot" means, let's first explain what the word "sefer" implies.
In our study of Chumash [the five 'books'], we work under the basic assumption that each "sefer" [book] carries a unique theme. Therefore, as we study each sefer we attempt to identify that theme. Then, we consider that theme in our study of each individual chapter or unit.
In our study of Sefer Breishit, we employed this approach to uncover its primary theme of "bechira." Now, in our study of Sefer Shmot, we employ a similar approach to uncover its own theme, as well as its connection to that of Sefer Breishit.
So what binds Sefer Shmot together? As we will show, this is not an easy question to answer.
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