************************************************************* THE TANACH STUDY CENTER/ In Memory of Rabbi Abraham Leibtag [http://www.tanach.org] ************************************************************* FOR SELICHOT THE 13 MIDOT OF RACHAMIM - Questions for self-study and preparation for shiur * PART I / Before we start, what your remember... --------------- 1. You have all heard of God's 13 midot of rachamim. a. Try to name them without the help of a "sidur" or Chumash. [Use a piece of paper & make a numbered list.] b. Now, using a "sidur", check your list and try again. c. Now, using a "chumash" (Shmot 34:6-8), try again. Why doesn't the "sidur" quote the entire list? In your opinion, are all of these "midot" indeed attributes of mercy? 2. In Chumash we are told that Hashem declared these 13 MIDOT when Moshe Rabeinu was summoned to receive the SECOND LUCHOT (tablets / see 34:1-10). In your opinion, did God 'acquire' these attributes only at this time, or had these been His MIDOT since the time of Creation? [Can you find psukim to support your answer?] 3. In your opinion, are these 13 MIDOT God's only attributes, or does he have other MIDOT as well. [As usual, support your answer.] * PART II / HASHEM'S MIDOT AT MA'AMAD HAR SINAI & CHET HA'EGEL -------------- To better appreciate the significance of the 13 MIDOT, it is important to understand them in relation to entire story of Ma'amad Har Sinai. In this section, we attempt to find the Torah's description of God's MIDOT before the second LUCHOT. 1. Read the "Aseret ha'Dibrot" CAREFULLY (see Shmot 20:1-14). Note that the first three DIBROT include certain attributes by which God will either reward or punish. Find those MIDOT, write them down, and make note of where you found them (for later reference). In your opinion, are these attributes of mercy? If not, explain how else you could categorize them. 2. Note that the DIBROT are followed by a lengthy list of mitzvot (recorded in Parshat Mishpatim) which continue until 23:19. Upon their completion, in 23:20-24, God promises Bnei Yisrael that He will send a "malach" to help them conquer the Land. Read those five psukim carefully, and see if they include an additional attribute, in relation to how God will respond to Bnei Yisrael's behavior. As before, make note of any attributes which you may find. 3. At the conclusion of Parshat Mishpatim, Moshe ascends Har Sinai to receive the first LUCHOT. In the interim, Chumash records the laws of the Mishkan in chapters 25->31. When the narrative picks up in chapter 32, we find the story of "chet ha'egel". Carefully read Shmot 32:1-16, again looking for any pasuk which describes God's attributes (i.e. how He punishes). As before, make note of any additional MIDOT which you may find. Also pay careful attention to the story, especially the meaning of phrase "am kshe oref". 4. Next, review the story of the aftermath of "chet ha'egel" (i.e. chapters 32->34). Note how this story continues until Moshe receives the SECOND LUCHOT. Based on these three chapters, explain how second LUCHOT relate to the first LUCHOT. Pay special attention to how the fact that Bnei Yisrael are an "am kshe oref" affects these events. 5. While reading these chapters, chart the progression of God's relationship with Bnei Yisrael by noting the various types of punishments which He plans, and how Moshe succeeds to change those plans. While doing so, relate to: a) What was God's immediate response to chet ha'egel? b) The situation which resulted after Moshe stalled that punishment, as described in 32:30-35 & 33:1-4. c) What specifically is Moshe requesting in 33:12-16. * PART III / THE SECOND LUCHOT & MIDOT HA'RACHAMIM ------------- 1. Review 33:1-7. What, in your opinion, is the significance of Hashem telling Bnei Yisrael to remove their 'jewelry' which they received at Har Chorev? Explain Bnei Yisrael's response to this request, and the final outcome of this 'parsha' as detailed in 33:7-11. To where must Moshe move his tent afterward, WHY? 2.. What would have happened had Moshe Rabeinu not intervened at this point (the situation in question #9)? Would Bnei Yisrael have entered Eretz Canaan? If so, at what level? With which mitzvot? Relate to 32:31-35; 33:1-4; & 33:12-17. How does this relate to what God had promised to the Avot in regard to the future of their offspring? [i.e. "brit Avot"] How does this relate to the covenant which Bnei Yisrael accepted at Har Sinai as described in Shmot 19:3-6? 3. What is the gist of Moshe's complaint to God 33:12-23? What is God's response? How does this response relate to the story of the second luchot as explained in 34:1-10? [Compare carefully.] 4. What happened at "nikrat ha'tzur" (33:17-23). How does this relate to the second luchot and God's 13 midot of rachamim. 5. Based on your answers to the above, re-examine the 13 MIDOT as described in 34:6-8. Carefully compare them to the various "midot" which you found in your study of Ma'amad Har Sinai (above). How to God's MIDOT prior to the events of "chet ha'egel" compare to His MIDOT beforehand (i.e. at the time of Matan Torah)? 6. Based on your understanding of "am kshe oref" (see above), how do you explain "KI" in "ki am kshe oref hu..." in 34:9: 1) 'because'; or 2) 'even though'? 7. After God declares His 13 MIDOT of mercy in 34:6-8, are there times when He may still enact His attributes of "din" [exacting judgement]? Support your answer based on 34:11-14! b'hatzlacha, menachem ** Shiur on this topic is available on the TSC WEB Site - at http://www.virtual.co.il/torah/tanach/special/13mid.txt [Iy"h, a revised version of the shiur will be sent out later in the week to the TSC-ALL list.]