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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Questions for Preparation - Word Format
Shiur #1: HaMakom Asher Yivchar Hashem
Shiur #2: Bad Influences [a mini-shiur]
The Chagim in Re'ay
The Chagim in Re'ay - word format
Intro to Sefer Devarim
The two sections of the main speech
HaMakom Asher Yivchar Hashem
When we speak of Jerusalem, we relate to two aspects:
both its geographic location and its function as the national center of the Jewish Nation.
Surprisingly enough, Chumash never mentions its specific name
nor its precise location. However, its concept - the national
center of the Jewish Nation - unfolds as a fundamental theme in
Sefer Devarim.
This week, in our analysis of the chukim and mishpatim section
of the main speech of Sefer Devarim, we discuss this theme.
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V.C.R. (zip file)
Hebrew Translation
Portugese Translation
Palm OS Doc
Bad Influences [a mini-shiur]
Bad influences? Surely we should stay away from them, but
how do we identify them? In Parshat Reay, we find an example of
how the Torah deals with this problem, as Bnei Yisrael prepare
to enter the land.
Palm OS Doc
Is Sefer Devarim Really a Review of Chumash?
The First Parshiot of Kriyat Shma