SEFER MELACHIM I Chapters 1-2 1. The first few chapters of Sefer Melachim were written by Natan Hanavi and deal with David. Why weren’t they included in Sefer Shmuel? Which other chapters in Sefer Shmuel were written by Natan? Where in Sefer Shmuel would the first few chapters of Sefer Melachim belong? 2. Who wrote Sefer Melachim? When did he write it? Why? (See Bava Batra 15). 3. Why did Adoniyah think that he was heir to the throne? Why did Yoav, Evyatar and so many others follow him? Why was David passive until now concerning his successor? (See 20:22). Read Shmuel II 3:2-4, Divrei Hayamim I 22:3-13, and Shmuel II chapter 7. Whose idea was it to find a young wife for David in order to keep him warm? Where did they look? What is the connection between this event and Adoniyah’s rise to power? 4. Locate Ma’ayan Hagichon and Ein Rogel on a map. Why were these places chosen for anointing a king? (See Rambam Hilchot Melachim). What is the distance between these two places? Why didn’t Adoniyah and his followers continue the ‘revolt?’ 5. Read the second half of Divrei Hayamim I. What is your impression of David and of his relationship with Shlomo? Compare to Melachim chapter 1. 6. Why does Batsheva go first to Natan Hanavi instead of going directly to David? Compare and contrast the entire chapter to Avshalom’s rebellion. 7. Explain David’s advice to Shlomo before he dies. Why is he more afraid of Yoav now than he was before? Was Yoav really 'Chayav Mitah?' Why does Yoav run to the Mizbeach? (See Ramban Hilchot Rotzeach at the end of chapter 5. Also see Makot 12a). Why is Shimi put under house arrest? Why does Adoniyah want to marry Avishag? Why does he go to Batsheva for his request instead of going directly to David? Does the mother of the king have a special status? Chapters 3-5 1. Why did Shlomo marry the daughter of Pharoh? Explain both positive and negative aspects of this marriage. Were Bamot permitted at this time? Why did Shlomo go to Givon, and not to Yerushalayim, to bring a sacrifice? (Where did Shlomo go when his dream was over? See Pasuk 15!!!) 2. Explain 3:7-9 in light of question #6 above. What is the significance of Shlomo’s wisdom? What books did he write? What is special about his decision to cut the baby in half? What would be the halacha in such a case? 3. Shlomo sets up twelve regional governors. What is the relationship between these governors and the twelve tribes? What is the economic and diplomatic state of Malchut Yisrael under Shlomo? (Compare this state to the time of the judges). How does this relate to the building of the Beit Hamikdash? Relate to the end of chapter 4, 5:1 and 5:14! 4. Why is Chiram interested in helping Shlomo? How does Israeli society change under Shlomo’s rule? Relate to the standard of living, occupations, culture, etc. Does this change have positive or negative effects? Compare it to similar historical situations. Chapters 6-8 (See the parallel chapters in Divrei Hayamim II chapters 1-7) 1. 480 years have passed since the exodus from Egypt. Using the years mentioned in Tanach until this time, try to account for 480 years. (Relate to the 300 years mentioned by Yiftah in Radak here and to Shoftim 11:26). Using Divrei Hayamim I chapters 2 and 5, trace the number of generations that have passed in the lineage of Shlomo (Shevet Yehuda) and Tzadok Hacohen (Shevet Efrayim). Why do you think the Navi contrasts building the Beit Hamikdash to the exodus from Egypt? (Relate to Shemot 29:46 and Melachim I 6:13). Why did it take so long? 2. Compare the structure of the Mikdash in chapter 6 to that of the mishkan. What is the same and what is different? Can you explain why? Relate the permanent nature of the mikdash to that of Malchut Beit David. After reaching this level, can it be lost? (See psukim 11-13). 3. Compare the size and position of the keruvim in chapter 6 to the keruvim in the mishkan. Explain the differences based on your answer to the previous question. 4. Compare the building of Shlomo’s palace (Beit Yaar Halevanon) to the building of the mikdash. Notice that the description of his palace is included together with the building of the mikdash, and in the middle of the description of the mikdash! Try to explain this juxtaposition and its spiritual implications. 5. What materials are the vessels in chapter 7 made out of? Where are they located in the mikdash? (Compare to the mizbeach hanechoshet in the mishkan). See Divrei Hayamim II 1:5-6. How does the Kiyor change? Compare the “Yam Shel Shlomo” to the description of the Shechinah in Yechezkel chapter 1. How many Kiyorot, Menorot and Shulchanot are there in Mikdash Shlomo? (See Divrei Hayamim II 4:6-9). What is the significance of the number ten at this time? 6. In what month was the mikdash completed? (See 6:37-38). In what month did they bring the Aron to the mikdash? (See 8:1-2). Can you explain why they waited so long to have the dedication ceremony? In what month was the Mishkan dedicated? Explain!! Compare the dedication of the mishkan (Shemot 40:34-35) to 8:10-11. Can you explain the significance of bringing the Aron after the completion of the building? What is the difference between the Aron and the other vessels? Why has it been separated from the other vessels since Shiloh? 7. Chapter 8, psukim 12-21 deal with the choice of Yerushalayim and the choice of the house of David. Compare these psukim to Divrei Hayamim II chapter 6 and to Shmuel II chapter 7. Using this question and the above questions, explain the significance of the building of the mikdash in relation to the creation of the world and the exodus from Egypt. Relate your answer to pasuk 27! The prayer of Shlomo (psukim 28-54) 8. Compare the stages of the rebuke in Parshat Bechukotai to Shlomo’s prayer. (Relate this to your answer to question #7). Compare the importance of prayer to that of sacrifices in relation to the Beit Hamikdash. (Explain “Tefillot kineged Karbanot Tiknum”). Pasuk 41 deals with the possibility of a non-jew coming to the mikdash. Was this possible before? Can you explain why? (Try to relate this to your answer to question # 5). 9. Shlomo dedicates the Mikdash during the holiday of Succot. Relate this to the seven cows brought as karbanot on Succot and to Zechariah chapter 14. Chapter 9-12 (See the parallel chapters in Divrei Hayamim II chapters 7-11) 1. What possibility does Hashem remind Shlomo of in chapter 9 that was not mentioned once in his prayer? Why would one think that once the mikdash was built it could never be destroyed? What does the existence of the mikdash really depend on? 2. What is the strategic importance of the cities Gezer, Chatzor and Migido? What is their economic importance? What type of army does Shlomo set up? How does the life style of the average person change during this time period? 3. Is the visit of the Queen of Sheba a positive or negative event? (See Devarim 4:5-8). Has Shlomo done anything (up to this point) that the Navi has considered wrong or negative? Are there any potential problems developing? (See Devarim 17:14-30). According to chapter 10, has Shlomo transgressed by having too many wives, too much money, or too many horses? Has he transgressed according to chapter 11? 4. Does 11:1-13 seem to be the conclusion to the previous chapters, or to be an introduction to the story of Yeravam? Explain! (Try to divide chapters 1-13 between Natan Hanavi and Achiah Hashiloni). 5. According to psukim 12-13, Shlomo can not lose his kingdom because of Hashem’s promise to David. Explain this based on Shmuel II 7:12-16. Yeravam’s Rebellion 6. In 11:26-28, the psukim seem to be out of order. Try to put them in their logical order. Compare pasuk 27 to 9:24. Does this help explain the background to the revolt? Why were the people angry? 7. In pasuk 32, what is the extra Shevet? Explain “Lema’an David” and “Lema’an Yerushalayim.” Why does Yerushalayim require two Shevatim? 8. Read 11:34-40. (Also see the Rambam in Hilchot Melachim 1:8). Explain the purpose and the potential of Malchut Yeravam and its relation to Malchut Beit David. 9. Try to explain the social, economic, and religious causes of the revolt. Relate to your answer to questions #2 and #6. Now explain the events of chapter 12. 10. Compare 12:16 to Shmuel II 20:1. Explain!! (See the discussion of Sholom's sin in Shabbat 56b from “Besha’ah She'amar David Ata V’tzivah T’chalku…” until the end of the daf!) 11. Who decided that Rechavam should be anointed in Shechem? Explain why. Explain the advice of the elders and the lads based on their ages. (See #9). 12. In your opinion, does Rechavam know about the prophecy of Achiyah Hashiloni regarding Yeravam? Do the people know? (Bring proofs). Yehuda plans to go to war against Yeravam, but refrains due to the request of the prophet Shemayah (psukim 22-23). Relate this to above. Eglei Beit-El and Dan. (Psukim 24-33) 13. Find both a political and religious reason for Yeravam’s action. Compare to Chet Haegel, both textually and contextually. Was this idol worship? See Divrei Hayamim II 11:13-17, and Sefer HaCuzari Ma'amar 1:98 and Ma’amar 4:15. Chapters 13-16 (See the parallel chapters in Divrei Hayamim II, chapters 11-16) 1. Chapter 13 deals with a strange incident where there is a conflict between a prophet from Yehudah and a prophet from Beit El. Try to relate this story to the religious background of the rebellion of Yeravam. Do both prophets believe in Hashem? Are both of them real prophets? (Bring proof). What is the significance of "l'echol v'lishtot'? (See Shemot 24:11). Melachim 13:33-34 2. (See Rashi and Sanhedrin 102b). Hashem offers Yeravam a 'coalition' with Malchut Dovid. Explain why he refused according to the midrash, and attempt to relate this to the last two chapters. 3. What are the names of Yeravam's two sons? What happened to the tribe of Levi? According to this, try to explain why Yeravam built the eigalim. Is there religious significance to Beit El and Dan? Are they centrally located, or are they border cities? Explain. What type of sacrifice do you think was brought in front of the eigalim? What 'holiday' was celebrated there in the 'eighth month'? (See 12:33). Chapter 14 4. Why does Yeravam send his wife to Achiyah Hashiloni and why does he tell her to disguise herself? Pasuk 13 - What good did Yeravam do? Explain "Hashem Elokei Yisrael." Relate this to your answer to question #3! Pasuk 14 - When did this prophecy come true? Rechovam's kingdom 5. Read Divrei Hayamim II chapters 11-12. The empire built by Shlomo falls apart within five years of Rechovam's reign. Shishak, king of Egypt, captures the entire area. Explain the reason for the decline in military and economic strength, and for the change in the border. Give the political explanation for the above. What is the Navi's explanation for the above? (Explain how this relates to the purpose of the prophecy). Chapter 15: The kingdom of Aviyam and Assa 6. Read Divrei Hayamim II Chapter 13!! Compare the description of Aviyam in Melachim to the description in Divrei Hayamim! Explain Aviyam's speech before the war. Was Beit El captured during the war? What did Aviyam do afterwards? (See Melachim 13:2)! 7. Assa removes Maacha (his mother?) from the Gevirah. Explain this, and trace who Maacha was. Why was she in an influential position? Why did she lead Yehudah in the wrong path? Pasuk 14 repeats itself many times in Sefer Melachim. Why did the Bamot remain? Why was it not so terrible? What were they? Was there a time that they were permitted? (See Zevachim Perek 14). 8. In the civil war between Baasha and Assa, Assa uses a treaty with Aram to attack Baasha from the north. Was this proper? Read Divrei Hayamim II Perakim 14-16. Organize the sequence of events during the reign of Assa. What was the Navi's opinion of the war? Chapters 15-16 - The kings of Israel 9. List the kings in these chapters. How did they come to power? How did they lose their reign? In what are the prophets involved? Do the kings listen to the prophets? Why? Some fifty years have passed since the rebellion of Yeravam. Has it succeeded? Are the people any better off than they were during Malchut Shlomo? Who is the first king to bring stability to the ten tribes? How does he come to power? (Is a prophet involved?) 10. Who does Achav marry? Why? How does this improve the economic and military stability of the kingdom of Israel? What does Achav build for the Baal, where and why? What is its significance? Chapters 17-22 - Eliyahu 1. Rashi on the first pasuk in chapter 17 brings a midrash which explains the connection between the story of the rebuilding of Yericho during the reign of Achav and the initiative taken by Eliyahu. Why did Yehoshua forbid the rebuilding of Yericho? What does Yericho represent? Can you connect this to other sins during Achav's reign? What is the significance of stopping the rain? (See Devarim 11:13-18). Based on the above, attempt to explain the midrash. 2. Eliyahu is commanded to go to Tzidon in order to find food and drink after the riverbed dries up due to the drought. Can you connect this to the economic relationship between Achav and Izebel (daughter of the king of Tzidon)? The miracle of the flask of oil seems similar to the 'man.' Try to explain how and why. Due to the drought, has Eretz Yisrael turned into a 'Midbar?' In what other ways is Eliyahu similar to Moshe? Chapter 18 3. Who is Ovadyah? (What was his position etc…)? Who were the prophets that he saved? Why did he save them? Why did Izebel try to kill them? Why is Achav so angry with Eliyahu ("Ha'ata zeh oker yisrael")? Try to explain the argument between them. 4. What can be deduced from pasuk 21 regarding the religious practices of the people during this time? Try to explain the situation from the eyes of the people. Is Eliyahu now coming to punish the people or to help them? 5. Eliyahu rebuilds a "Mizbaech Hashem Harus" on Har Carmel. What was a Mizbeach doing there? Is building a Mizbeach anywhere permitted at this time? Fire consuming a sacrifice is a sign of the revelation of the shechinah. Does this succeed in convincing the people? (Explain why or why not). Chapter 19 6. Izebel claims that she wants to kill Eliyahu. Why doesn't Eliyahu simply kill her as he killed the prophets of the Ba'al? Who should have killed Izebel? Why did Eliyahu ask to die (or to give up)? Where did he fail? What is the meaning of the return to Har Sinai? In what way is this similar to Moshe on Har Sinai and in what way is this exactly the opposite? Try to explain. (Hint: kol vs. dibur in the comparison between psukim 9-10 and 13-14). 7. What are the three things that Hashem commands Eliyahu? What is the significance of each of these three things? How does Eliyahu's character change from now on? Chapter 20 8. Who is the Navi who helps Achav in the battle against Ben-Haddad? Why isn't it Eliyahu? Try to explain the battle in the chapter as a war for the sanctification of G-d's name. Why does the Navi help them? How is the second battle similar to the battle of Yericho? Try to explain its significance. 9. After winning the battle, Achav offers Ben-Hadad a peace treaty. Is this a true act of chessed, or a rebellion against Hashem? How does the story in psukim 38-43 help the Navi determine the answer to the above question? What did the Navi expect Achav to do? Why such a severe punishment? What opportunity was lost? Chapter 21 1. In Chapter 21, Achav wants to buy the vineyard of Nevot and is willing to compensate him fully. Why does Nevot refuse to sell? As the king, is Achav allowed to take any field he so pleases? (See Mishpat Hamelech Shmuel I 8:11-17). Why is Izebel so angered by this story? How does she solve Achav's problem? How did Achav sin in this incident? What is the difference between this sin and his other sins? Explain the difference between kings of Israel and between kings of idol worshippers. Why is this sin specifically the reason for Achav to lose his kingdom? Chapter 22 2. In chapter 22, we find cooperation between Achav and Yehoshafat the king of Yehuda. What common interest do they have in going to war together? How would you evaluate the relationship between the two kingdoms at this time? (To whom is Yehoshafat's son married?) 3. Who are the 400 prophets? Are they true prophets or false prophets? Explain your answer. In what was Michayhu ben Yimleh different? Why doesn't Achav want to listen to him? Is Achav worried about his prophecy? Why was everyone so happy when they heard that the king died (Pasuk 36)? 4. Yehoshafat is able to regain control of Etzion Gaver (Eilat area). What political move enabled him this power? How is the situation similar to that of the time of Shlomo? Read Divrei Hayamim II chapters 17-20 for a more complete understanding of this time period. According to chapter 19 and the end of chapter 20, what is the Navi's opinion of his alliance with Achav? What good things does Yehoshafat do? What important battle takes place against Edom? How do they win? 5. Was Achazyahu worse or better than his father (Achav)? In what way did he follow the ways of Izebel?