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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Questions for Preparation - in Word Format
Shiur #1: From Seven to Eight
Shiur #2: The Internal Structure of the Laws of Tumah and Tahara
Shiur #3: The Message of Tzara'at

From Seven to Eight
Is 'eight' a magic number in Sefer Vayikra? Or, is it only
coincidental that the 'eighth day' is chosen for the
dedication of the Mishkan; the 'eighth day' is chosen for the "brit
Milah" of a male child; the 'eighth day' is chosen for the day
on which the cleansed Metzora, Zav, and Zavah bring their
special korbanot; and the final holiday is "SHMINI atzeret" -
the 'eighth day' of Succot!
In the following shiur, we return to Sefer Breishit in search
of the biblical significance of the number 'eight'.
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The Internal Structure of the Laws of Tumah and Tahara
The Message of Tzara'at
It's amazing how sometimes (what appears to be) a very
simple pasuk can generate a fundamental controversy among the
commentators. In the following shiur, we bring such an example
from a pasuk in Parshat Ki-teyze, concerning a topic bearing
a most critical message.
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