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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Questions for Preparation in WORD Format
Shiur #1: PARSHAT HA'CHODESH - between Pesach & Chag Ha'Matzot
Shiur #2: Korban Pesach and Yom Hashem
Shiur #3: CHUKAT HA'PESACH - Brit Milah & Korban Pesach
Shiur #4: Sefer Shmot - Introduction
Shiur #5: Sefer Shmot - Let My People Go: A Hoax or a Mission?
Pesach and Chag Ha'Matzot (Parshat Ha'Chodesh)
Korban Pesach and Yom Hashem
As strange is it may sound, according to Rashi, Pesach was already celebrated some four hundred years before the Exodus! Rashi, commenting on Breishit 19:3, claims that Lot baked specifically matzot for his guests because they arrived on Pesach.
In this week's shiur, while discussing the purpose and significance of the Korban Pesach, we show how there may be a very basic thematic connection between the destruction of Sdom and the process of Yetziat Mitzrayim.
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Korban Pesach and Brit Milah
Our first shiur on Parshat Bo discussed Parshat ha'Chodesh / Shmot 12:1-20),
explained why the Torah 'prematurely' presented the laws of "chag ha'Matzot".
In the following shiur, we discuss why the Torah 'belatedly'
[i.e. after Bnei Yisrael leave Egypt] presents the laws of "chukot ha'Pesach".
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Sefer Shmot - Introduction
What is Sefer Shmot?
Before we talk about what "shmot" means, let's first explain what the word "sefer" implies.
In our study of Chumash [the five 'books'], we work under the basic assumption that each "sefer" [book] carries a unique theme. Therefore, as we study each sefer we attempt to identify that theme. Then, we consider that theme in our study of each individual chapter or unit.
In our study of Sefer Breishit, we employed this approach to uncover its primary theme of "bechira." Now, in our study of Sefer Shmot, we employ a similar approach to uncover its own theme, as well as its connection to that of Sefer Breishit.
So what binds Sefer Shmot together? As we will show, this is not an easy question to answer.
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Let My People Go: A Hoax or a Mission?
Is 'Let My People Go' just a hoax?
As preposterous as this might sound, Rashbam claims that it's "pshat"! He explains that each time Moshe commands Pharaoh to 'let My people go,' he requests permission merely to allow Bnei Yisrael a three-day journey to worship their God in the desert. Yet never do we find Moshe telling Pharaoh the 'whole truth,' that he in fact intends to lead Bnei Yisrael out of slavery to the Promised Land.
Is Moshe 'telling a lie'?!
In this week's shiur, we uncover the basis for this daring interpretation by Rashbam, while arriving ourselves at a much different conclusion.
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