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Questions for Self Study - text format
Questions for Self Study - word format
Shiur #1: Three books in one! - "va'yhi b'nsoah ha'aron"
Shiur #2: The Special Task of the Kohanim
Three books in one
Three books in one? So claim Chazal
in regard to Sefer Bamidbar! And what's more, one of those three
books contains only the two psukim of: "vay'hi bin'so'a
ha'aron..." (i.e. the two psukim that we recite when we take out and
replace the Sefer Torah)! Is it possible that a mere two psukim can
be considered an entire "sefer?" In this week's shiur, we answer
this question by conducting an overall analysis of Sefer Bamidbar.
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The Special
Task of the Kohanim
The first Rashi in this week's Parsha
quotes the famous Midrash that explains the juxtaposition between
the first topic in Parshat Bha'alotcha - the mitzvah for Aharon to
light the Menorah - and the last topic in Parshat Naso - the twelve
day dedication ceremony of the Mizbayach: "Why is the parsha of the
Menorah juxtaposed to "chanukat han'si'im?" When Aharon saw the
daily dedication offering by the 'n'si'im,' he became
depressed, because neither he, nor his shevet, took part in
this ceremony. God reassured Aharon saying: Do not worry,
your portion is greater than theirs, for you are to light and
attend to the Menora every morning and evening." Ramban immediately
questions the basic assumption of this Midrash. Could it be that
Aharon is depressed because he felt 'left out?'
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Hebrew Translation
Portugese Translation
Palm OS Doc