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Questions for Preparation and Self Study
Questions for Preparation - word format
Shiur #1: Bilam: The Prophet and the Consultant
Shiur #2: Haftarat Parshat Balak - Micha 5:6-6:8
Bilam: The Prophet and the Consultant
Is Bilam really such a 'bad guy?' Indeed, God's anger with his decision to travel with Balak's messengers suggests that his true intentions may have been to curse Am Yisrael. However, this fact may prove exactly the opposite - that Bilam is a man of high moral stature! After all, over and over again, Bilam overcomes this personal desire to curse Yisrael and blesses them instead, "exactly as God commands him." In fact, his final blessing of Am Yisrael appears to have been on his own initiative.
Why then do Chazal cite Bilam as the archetype "rasha" (a wicked person)? Simply for once having 'bad intentions?'
This week's shiur attempts to answer this question by reconstructing what really happens in Parshat Balak, based on other Parshiot in Chumash.
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French Translation
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Haftarat Parshat Balak - Micha 5:6-6:8
From a poignant statement made by the prophet Micha in this week's Haftara, it would seem that God finds little value in the offering of "korbanot." Why then are we going to spend the next 'three weeks' lamenting the destruction of the Bet HaMikdash?
As we study this week's Haftara, we will attempt to answer this question.
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